Smile Gallery

Roy started to notice his teeth chipping in the front. He asked me what we could do and we quickly realized it wasn’t just his front teeth chipping but all his teeth were significantly worn away. We were able to build his teeth back to better shape and function by doing crowns on all his teeth (also known as full mouth rehabilitation). He now loves to smile and regularly gets told how much younger he looks!

Rowena did not like how her teeth looked and for years had fillings done on them to help with the color and shape. Over time, the fillings began to chip and discolor and she wanted a long-term fix. We decided to do 10 veneers on her top teeth and these are her amazing results. She loves her new smile!
Schedule Appointment
Smile with the confidence you deserve. Call us at 941-744-1226 to create the beautiful and healthy smile you’ve always dreamed of.