Paradise Dental
Dr. Jeffrey Martins
Dentistry is a part of who I am. Growing up, I frequently visited my father’s dental practice in Toronto, Canada where my mother was also a dental assistant. Seeing how much my father enjoyed dentistry made me realize, I too, could enjoy the profession as much as he still does. My father’s family is Portuguese, and anyone familiar with Portuguese families knows they are full of love and lively personalities. This is what I grew up watching, learning and experiencing in my father’s dental practice that eventually inspired me to pursue dentistry for myself.
For high school, I moved to Michigan to study at Great Lakes Adventist Academy where I met my wife-to-be, Nadine. Although Nadine was a grade ahead of me, we decided to start dating when I was a senior in high school and she was a freshman in college. Unfortunately, that meant we barely saw each other that year because she lived at college three hours away! Many phone calls were made that year and our relationship only grew from there.
Once I graduated high school, I joined Nadine at Andrews University in southwest Michigan and completed a four year degree in biology with a minor in chemistry. Nadine, a native Floridian, finished her nursing program a year before I finished my degree and moved back home with her parents to work for a year. That year, we also got engaged, but we were apart that year as well.
The summer after I graduated from Andrews University, Nadine and I got married and moved out to Loma Linda, California for my dental education at Loma Linda University School of Dentistry. Nadine also furthered her education and now has her Doctor of Nursing Practice degree. Our time in California was filled with so many adventures. We spent time hiking in the mountains of Southern California and the Sierra Nevadas. Some of our favorite trips in California involved travelling to the central coastal areas of Cambria and Big Sur. If you ever have a chance to visit the central coast of California, you will not be disappointed!

Finishing dental school meant the start of the real-world dentistry for me. I had a great job opportunity in Hagerstown, Maryland where I spent the first three years post-graduation from dental school practicing dentistry at a very busy practice. I was fortunate to have a great job learning the ins-and-outs of dentistry from many mentors. Meanwhile, Nadine started working for a cardiology group as a nurse practitioner. We enjoyed living in the Cumberland Valley area and spent many hours outside enjoying hikes with our friends and helping with events at our church. Nadine and I also developed a passion for living a Whole-Foods, Plant-Based Lifestyle.

My wife and I always wanted to return to Florida to live near family and we made it a reality in October of 2019! We absolutely love the Lakewood Ranch area and now live here too. We try to spend as much time outside as we can, taking advantage of the beautiful Florida weather. We frequently visit the beach and spend time with our family here. We love playing board games and one of my favorites is Chess.
Once we finished our move to Florida, I started searching for a dental practice to purchase. Several years prior, I had decided to start learning about purchasing and owning a dental practice and started meeting many dentists in the Lakewood Ranch area as soon as we moved here. The door opened for me to purchase Paradise Dental and in July of 2020 my dream of owning a dental practice became a reality!
I am very blessed to have a great team with me at Paradise Dental. My mission for our community is to positively influence the health of our patient’s at Paradise Dental by first building trusting relationships and then providing quality dental care. It is difficult finding a good dentist, and I will strive to be that dentist for you.
Thank you for spending time getting to know me, my hope is to meet you and your loved ones soon in the future.
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Smile with the confidence you deserve. Call us at 941-744-1226 to create the beautiful and healthy smile you’ve always dreamed of.