Onlays & Inlays Care: A Simple Guide to Post-Procedure Health

Dental onlays and inlays are effective treatments that protect and strengthen damaged teeth. Whether you’ve received an inlay (filling inside the tooth) or an onlay (restoration extending over one or more cusps of the tooth), proper post-operative care is essential to ensure a smooth recovery and the long-term success of your restoration. 

Below are detailed instructions to help you care for your new dental onlay or inlay after your procedure at Paradise Dental.

Immediately After the Procedure

Understanding what to expect right after receiving an inlay or onlay will help you manage the healing process:

  • Numbness: Local anesthesia is often used to keep you comfortable during the procedure. It’s important to avoid chewing or it is important to wait till the numbness has totally subsided before eating an accidental injury to your lips, cheeks, or tongue.
  • Mild Discomfort or Sensitivity: Some mild sensitivity to hot, cold, or pressure is common after an inlay or onlay is placed. This usually subsides within a few days. Ibuprofen and other pain medications available without a prescription can be helpful in managing any discomfort. Contact Paradise Dental for further evaluation if sensitivity or pain persists beyond a week.

Eating and Drinking

While dental onlays and inlays are designed to be durable, taking care of your diet immediately following the procedure is important:

  • Avoid Chewing Until Numbness Wears Off: Do not chew on the side of your mouth where the onlay or inlay was placed until the anesthetic wears off. This helps prevent biting down too hard on the restoration and damaging it.
  • Soft Foods: For the first 24-48 hours, foods that are soft and do not need a lot of chewing should be consumed. Foods like mashed potatoes, yogurt, soup, scrambled eggs, and smoothies are ideal.
  • Avoid Hard and Sticky Foods: Steer clear of foods that are either firm, crunchy, or sticky, such as popcorn, almonds, and chewing gum in the first few days after the procedure. These could dislodge or damage the restoration while it’s still settling.

Oral Hygiene Practices

Maintaining excellent oral hygiene is key to ensuring the longevity of your dental inlay or onlay:

  • Brushing: Continue brushing your teeth at least twice daily with a soft-bristled toothbrush. Be gentle around the treated tooth, especially in the first few days, to avoid irritation.
  • Flossing: Floss daily, being cautious around the newly placed inlay or onlay. When flossing around the treated tooth, slide the floss out gently rather than snapping it up and down to avoid dislodging the restoration.
  • Mouth Rinse: If your dentist recommends, use an alcohol-free antibacterial mouthwash to help maintain cleanliness and prevent plaque buildup around the treated area.

Bite Adjustment

Your dental onlay or inlay must fit comfortably in your bite:

  • Bite Check: Your bite should feel natural even after the procedure. If your bite feels off or uneven, contact us for an adjustment. An improperly aligned bite can cause discomfort and damage to your teeth and restoration over time.
  • Jaw Soreness: Mild jaw soreness may occur if your mouth is open for an extended period during the procedure. This should be resolved within a day or two. Applying a warm compress or performing gentle jaw exercises can help relieve soreness.

Monitoring for Potential Issues

Be mindful of any signs that may indicate a problem with your inlay or onlay:

  • Persistent Pain or Sensitivity: While some sensitivity is normal, prolonged pain or sensitivity that doesn’t resolve within a week may indicate an issue. If this occurs, contact Paradise Dental for an evaluation.
  • Loose or Damaged Restoration: If your onlay or inlay feels loose, becomes chipped, or dislodges, avoid chewing on that side of your mouth and contact us immediately for a repair or replacement.

Long-Term Care and Maintenance

With proper care, dental onlays and inlays can last for many years. Follow these tips to ensure the longevity of your restoration:

  • Regular Dental Checkups: Visit Paradise Dental for routine checkups and cleanings. During these visits, we will check the condition of your inlay or onlay and ensure that it remains securely in place and functioning properly.
  • Avoid Bad Habits: Refrain from using your teeth to open packages, chew on ice, or engage in other habits that could cause damage to your restoration or natural teeth.
  • Night Guards for Teeth Grinding: If you have a condition known as bruxism, which is when you grind or clench your teeth as you sleep,  wearing a custom night guard can protect your inlay or onlay from excessive wear or damage.

When to Call Your Dentist

Although complications are rare, it’s important to know when to contact Paradise Dental for further assistance:

  • Persistent Discomfort: If discomfort, pain, or sensitivity lasts longer than expected or becomes more severe, contact us for an examination.
  • Loose or Broken Restoration: If you suspect your inlay or onlay has come loose or is damaged, avoid chewing on that side of your mouth and schedule an appointment as soon as possible.

Your new dental inlay or onlay is developed to restore the strength of your tooth as well as its function. Following these post-operative care instructions ensures that your restoration remains in excellent condition and functions well for years. If you have any concerns about your recovery or the condition of your inlay or onlay, don’t hesitate to contact us at Paradise Dental. We are here to help you maintain a healthy, beautiful smile.

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1711 Lakewood Ranch Blvd
Bradenton, FL 34211

Mon – Thu: 8am-1pm; 2pm-5pm
Friday | By appointment